Corporate and social responsibility


Course Delivery

Course Duration (Days)

  • <= 2(3)
  • > 10(3)
Duration -
11 Days
Course Delivery -
$ 5,499.00
Duration -
1 Day
Course Delivery -
$ 55.00
Duration -
13 Days
Course Delivery -
$ 7,175.00

For individuals who want to get qualified to lead successful quality audits within a variety of industry roles and work towards developing your leadership skills to management levels, the double diploma in Quality Auditing and Leadership and Management will take you through this process. Learn the ultimate combination of skills to auditing and strategic leadership to be equipped with confidence to lead teams and audits.

Duration -
11 Days
Course Delivery -
$ 7,850.00

For individuals seeking qualifications to successfully lead Quality audits and expand your skills to audit an organisation's Work Health and Safety program. The double Diploma in Quality Auditing and Diploma in Work Health and Safety will take you through this process. BSB50920 Diploma of Quality Auditing is the ideal auditing qualification for professionals who want qualifications to be able to lead successful quality audits within a variety of industry roles. We have combined the core auditing modules with courses that will develop your skills for leading and managing teams, design, develop and implement a risk management framework based on the organisation's governance framework.

Duration -
2 Days
Course Delivery -
$ 1,355.00
This course aims to provide participants with an understanding of the fundamentals of Six Sigma so that they can contribute to Green Belt projects and know how to apply basis tools within a DMAIC or Problem Solving process on a routine basis.
Duration -
2 Days
Course Delivery -
$ 1,380.01

Gain insight into how process mapping can make a business more effective and productive by looking at real-world experiences across a wide range of industries. This is achieved by mapping your business processes, identifying critical areas of improvement, and learning how to reduce errors and improve customer service.

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