Business Improvement


Course Delivery

Course Duration (Days)

  • <= 2(4)
  • 5 - 10(1)
  • > 10(5)
Duration -
2 Days
Course Delivery -
$ 1,380.01

Gain insight into how process mapping can make a business more effective and productive by looking at real-world experiences across a wide range of industries. This is achieved by mapping your business processes, identifying critical areas of improvement, and learning how to reduce errors and improve customer service.

Duration -
5 Days
Course Delivery -
$ 4,300.00

Master the art of implementing Six Sigma Green Belt projects, ranging from small to medium-sized improvement initiatives. This interactive course equips you with practical skills in problem-solving using the Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) model, alongside essential statistical techniques and improvement strategies.

Duration -
2 Days
Course Delivery -
$ 1,600.00
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to design, develop and implement a risk management framework based on compliance obligations and the organisations governance framework.
Duration -
1 Day
Course Delivery -
$ 795.00
This Root Cause Analysis training course provides instruction and experience in applying simple decision-making techniques that help to make sure that once a problem is fixed, it stays fixed.
Duration -
2 Days
Course Delivery -
$ 1,355.00
This course aims to provide participants with an understanding of the fundamentals of Six Sigma so that they can contribute to Green Belt projects and know how to apply basis tools within a DMAIC or Problem Solving process on a routine basis.
Course Delivery -
$ 55.00

Sign up for 6 months access to our Micro learning library full of bite sized online learning modules focussed on targeted skills areas to support you in your professional development. Providing you with highly focussed courses on demand anytime, anywhere.

Course Delivery -
$ 485.00
The purpose of this course is to learn how to effectively identify the true cause of a problem and manage its consequences.
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